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Trading Forex For Beginners - How to Make Money Trading Forex?

In the Forex market, it is possible to make money by buying and selling currencies. To understand how to make money trading Forex, some basics of the forex market need to be understood. The Forex market is very similar to a stock market; the mechanics involved in Forex trade are very much comparable to those in the stock trading field. The objective of Forex trading is exchanging one currency for another in anticipation that price will raise, so that the currency bought will be at a higher value compared to the currency sold. Every two currencies involved in the trade are known as currency pairs.

It is easy to pick up how to make money trading forex if the investor is already familiar with stock trading. An exchange rate in the Forex trade is the ratio of the value of one currency with respect to another. For instance, USD/JPY exchange rate means how many US dollars can buy one Japanese Yen or vice versa.

It is essential to learn how to read a Forex quote to know how to make money trading forex. Currencies are quoted as pairs like USD/EUR or USD/GBP. This is because every forex transaction involves two currencies - buying one currency while selling another.

If a quote is given as GBP/USD = 1.5:

· The currency given first before the slash (/) is the Base currency

· The one to the right of the slash is the Counter or Quote currency.

One more terminology to understand how to make money trading Forex is Long/ Short. If an investor wants to buy, he has to wait for the base currency value to increase so that it can be sold at a higher price. In Forex trade jargon, it is called taking a 'long position'. When investor wants to sell, the base currency value has to reduce so that it can be bought back at a lower price. This is known as taking a 'short position'.

Forex robot is software that acts as a personal expert advisor in Forex trading. Their algorithms are built to pick the best currency pairs to trade and the right time for trading. All the user needs to do is set up a trade account and adjust parameters like currency, profit limit, stop loss limit etc. The Robot can be made to carry on trading 24 hours for five days a week when the Forex market is active.

Want to take the guesswork out of Forex trades? Read this detailed review on the most popular and profitable forex trading robots

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Forex Demo Account - The Best Way to Start Trading Forex

Most Forex brokers would allow their customers to experience what forex trading is like by offering them to play with fake money on Forex demo accounts. As the majority of people who get interested in forex are willing to make fast profits in this huge market, a demo account is the best way to see if their wishes and expectations about Forex market are realistic. On a demo account a trader is given a certain amount of 'play money' that he can trade with under real market conditions.

Let us look at the advantages of trading on a Forex demo account:

1. It helps you to decide which platform and broker you are most comfortable with. Some Forex trading platforms are very simple, others are more complex, yet others are very difficult to use. I remember once calling a Forex broker about closing one of my orders on a Forex demo account and a person from the support team could not help me. He had to search for help himself and call me back later. Most Forex brokers include lots of useful features on their trading platforms such as: live news, technical indicators, daily market commentary, even rumors about some big banks buying some big positions in a specific currency pairs. Some brokers allow you to trade only standard lots, others offer you mini lots and there are those that can allow you to trade micro lots or even separate units (buy or sell one dollar in the market).

2. It helps you to learn trading without losing a dime. That is probably one of the most important features of a demo account. You can risk and risk and risk again and do not lose any real money. Trading Forex, like any other kind of trading is very risky and can cause you lots of stress and loss of capital. This you can avoid playing with a Forex demo account until you learn how to trade. Burn your demo account as many times as you want and learn how to trade. You can test your trading strategy, perfect it and trade it on a demo until you feel comfortable and then jump to a real account.

3. It helps to test automated trading systems. Perhaps you have no intention to trade on your own, but have software or a robot that is going to do this job for you. There are lots of services online that can offer you their automated systems or trading robots to trade on your behalf. However, it is better to be safe than sorry. You have to try them to see if they really work as their creators claim. If they do, you will be even happier, as you will not have to invent a system that could bring you consistent profit.

So, if you are planning to open a real Forex account be sure you have tested your trading skills on a free demo account. Almost all Forex brokers will give you this service and they will gladly answer your questions concerning other questions connected with Forex trading.

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10 Things I Wish I Had Known Before I Started Trading Forex

Are you thinking about trying your hand at forex? Think you might have what it takes to be successful? Don't fall in the same traps that so many before you have fallen into. Taken from successful and yet-to-be successful traders from all over the world, and some from my own book of forex blunders, here are 10 things most wish they'd known before they started to trade foreign exchange. And if I may be so bold, print this out and hang it right beside your computer monitor!

Make Money with a Practice Account First. Don't trade a single penny of your own money until you've had ample experience with a practice account. I first started trading forex in college and thought I was smarter than the hundreds of people who had failed before me. I did open a practice account, but apparently thought I was ready to trade for real after a short three days. I've come along way since then, but that mistake cost me a small fortune to a college student. It translated into many missed nights out with my friends as I slowly tried to recoup what I had lost. Had I known what I do now I would have used a practice account for a month or more, gotten confident with my strategy, and wouldn't have lost track of orders that should have been cancelled because they were no longer valid. You won't make money during that time, but you won't lose money either, and that is half the battle. You'll find that out soon enough the hard way if you don't heed this important advice.
Trading With Real Money is Different. As much as opening a practice account is good, trading with real money on the line is different. Try as you might to trade the same way with real money as you did with pretend money, the reality is that it just isn't the same when you've actually got something at stake. Seeing your account increase or decrease with each pip can be taken in stride when playing for fun, but can be excruciating when it's your money on the table. One way that helped me get over this was to think of each trade as the cost of doing business. For example, a business might spend money on an ad which is either going to make them money or it's not. Either way, the money spent on the ad is gone, so you should have done your research before spending the money to determine whether or not it was a good idea. It's much the same with forex. When you place a trade with a stoploss, consider the money at risk the cost of doing business. If you are not prepared to lose it, then you need to think twice about taking the trade in the first place.
Forex is a Mental Game. There is a psychology to trading. There are mental and emotional states that can help your trading, and ones that can be extremely detrimental. You don't trade if you have been put-off by a loss and are looking for vindication, nor do you trade when you've come off a win and you think you are invisible. You don't trade when you are bored and you've got an itchy trigger finger, nor when you are tired, having a bad day, and especially not when you are thinking about how much you need the money. Trading with dollar signs in you eyes will result in taking trades that you shouldn't. Mindsets like these are a recipe for disaster. I thought I was a pretty even keel, more pragmatic than most, and level-headed. I didn't think I was going to be vulnerable to the emotional side of the game. Here's what I wish someone had told me: Expect to be emotional, but know that not keeping your emotions in check will be your demise.
Don't Lament the One that Got Away. Don't sit on the sidelines watching some grand move in the market wishing you were in the trade. Chances are you'll convince yourself to get in and you will get burned. It's like trying to catch a falling knife; let it fall. Watching a pair make a big move that you missed is hard. Expect it to be. It sucks. But watching the pair go and thinking about getting in is like trying to cross a one-way street by looking the wrong way. Watching cars go by and seeing big gaps in traffic where you could have crossed provides no insight as to when you can cross. Just because you are looking at a painful gap in traffic that was definitely would have given you ample time, doesn't mean there's not a transport isn't yards away. Train yourself to look the other way. Look at what's coming, the set ups that are developing, not the ones that already developed. Begin to recognize when you are looking the wrong way down the Forex street, and force yourself to think differently.
Plan the Trade, Trade the Plan. Have a trading plan before you press that buy or sell button. Know at what price you'd like to get in at, how much you are willing to risk, and where you'd like to see the price go. Know why you are taking a trade, and understand why your stoploss and target price are where they are. If you don't know why you are taking a trade, or don't know ho wot plan a trade, then you've got more learning to do. Take a free course at a site like http://www.babypips.com/. Just be sure to have a really clear understanding of your trading strategy before you begin.
Have Respect for the Profession. Professional traders spend years in school, have mentors and work with other professionals in the field, and have the most advance tools and software at their finger tips to help them perfect the skill of trading foreign exchange. Don't expect after a month or two of trading that you know even a fraction of what these guys know. If you think you've got it all figured out how you can make a million dollars in the next three months on forex, think again. Trading forex takes some humility. You are a tiny fish in a big pond. Did you know that professional traders have a track record that usually just above 50 percent? That means they make winning trades approximately (on average) between 5 or 6 times for every 10 trades they make. That is because of what is called trade management. Stoplosses and targets are intelligently placed so that while they may lose 50 pips on a losing trade, they make 150 on a winning one. If you can do that 50% of the time you are making money. Don't waltz into the forex world thinking you can change the game, or be that one in a million that can make a few uninformed choices and you get lucky. Don't think you've got it all figured out or have an edge on the guys who make a career out of doing this. It's that slow and steady that wins the race.
It's All About the Trades You Don't Make. Be a trading snob. Once you understand the basics of any given trading strategy (there are many), be a picky trader. Trade only when all your criterion for taking a trade are met. A big part of trading forex successfully is knowing when not to trade. I can't emphasize this point enough. To be successful at forex you have to first not lose your money, and that means staying out of losing trades. Make staying out of losing trades a priority, this goes back again to being a picky trader.
Don't Be a Maverick, Be a Follower. To make money in forex you need to be doing what everybody else is doing, when they are doing it. It's not the time to re-invent the wheel, or get ahead of the curve. That will only result in lost pips. It doesn't matter what you know about currency, or the state of a country's economy. What matters is what the market is actually doing, not what it should be doing. Trying to find the bottom or top of a huge move or a trend is more like gambling than trading. If you are tempted to trade like this, do yourself a favour and go to Vegas where at least you can enjoy free drinks and catch a few shows while you lose your money. It's not a good sign if you are trying to time the markets. If you are, you are in need of an intervention. Don't bother placing the trade; take out the middle man and just send a big fat cheque directly to your online broker. The goal is not to get in when the market has bottomed. The goal is to get in when there is solid evidence that the market is going to go in a particular direction. That is rarely 10, or even 100 pips from the low. The key is to get in when there are indicators that it will go, not when you think its' the bottom.
You're Going to Be Glued to Your Computer. At least chances are you will be. And I am not saying that's a good thing. Just know that this is a real possibility as you try to make money. It's easy to become obsessed with watching the markets, looking for opportunities, and making trades, smart ones and stupid ones. While it is important to put in face time, watch the markets and do analysis, if you are making smart trades you should essentially be able to make a trade and walk away and be OK with whatever happens. Be aware that it's easy to become a slave to forex. Take measures against becoming one by educating yourself on a trading style and strategy that you are comfortable with so that you don't fall that trap.
Don't Just Learn, Get Help. It's just not enough to read about trading forex or to take a course, free or otherwise. If you want to implement a strategy effectively, it's simple: Get help. Learning and knowing what to do is not enough. You need the help and experience of a forex expert. There are some decent seminars and coaching programs that are available for free, but a good coach is money well spent. It's as close to getting your hand held as it gets. Quality membership sites and coaching programs can cost as little as $50 a month, to well over $200.

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4 Tips on How to Trade Forex

Big bucks are trading every hour of the day anywhere you are in the world with the only market that is open 24 hours a day - you can take your share of the big bucks by learning how to trade forex currencies. Do not, however, expect to get a huge chunk of the trillions of dollars being traded every day. Even without the millions, the ordinary forex trader can gain profits on timely trades guided by good fundamental and technical analysis. Learning about how to trade forex currencies using information from various sources is the best way to become a successful long-term forex trader.

Here are some tips that can help you make your forex trading activities more rewarding:

1. Do your homework. Do not expect to get the answers right if you do not do your homework. If you want to know about the best way on how to trade forex currencies, you have to devote time and energy towards learning everything you possibly can about the market you plan to trade in. There is really no excuse to miss out on information about forex trading and forex markets since a lot of resources - both free and paid - are available online. Even when you are already actively trading, you should still do your research on all matters concerning and affecting the currency pairs that you are trading.

2. Get professional advice. This is especially helpful for those who are still finding their way around on how to trade forex currencies. Find a mentor who will guide you through your learning experiences as well as your initial forex training activities. What is beneficial to you and others engaged in forex trading is the fact that professional advice is now available online, anytime of the day. Make sure, though, that the forex professional you choose to consult with is a reliable and trustworthy information resource.

3. Have a trading strategy. The most successful forex traders are those who follow their training strategies. These strategies often combine technical analysis as well as fundamental analysis. While some traders would swear by using one of these two in their trading activities, most forex trading experts would say that the best trading strategy combines both kinds of analysis. Reading economic indicators help in determining demand for a particular currency while technical indicators would show trends and help predict the direction towards which the forex currency pairs are likely to go.

4. Think long term. Anyone who knows how to trade forex would know that real profitability and sustainability in forex trading are achieved at longer time frames. Those who are new to this may get overly excited about gains during their first few trades. But, they could just as easily get discouraged when they lose all their gains with their succeeding trades. In some cases, those who do lose some money in their trading activities leave the forex market altogether. It is important to realize that it is the series of highs and lows in the forex market that allows traders to enjoy gains through the years.

Anak Hilang Masa Sahur

Make A Living Trading Forex - 3 Tips For Avoiding Beginner Forex Trader Mistakes

Many people out there would have you believe that there is a Holy Grail, albeit elusive, of Forex trading rules and strategies. What is more, a lot of them will have you believe that they have found it and that it is available for you to use to make millions while you sleep - for a price of course!

Forex Trading Secrets And Software For Generating Profits - Separating Hype From Reality

But why would anyone who can make millions trading Forex want to earn a couple of bucks selling their secret? Greed? Well, these same people will profess that greed is one of the cardinal sins when it comes to trading.

However, irrespective of the promises made by the Gurus of the trade, is it really possible to make a living just trading Forex on the Internet? The answer to that is a resounding 'yes'...and also a 'no'. Confusing I know, but then again at the risk of being clubbed with the people I am here to prove wrong, I request you to read on.

Personal Slip Ups - Forex Trading Mistakes To Avoid For Making Regular Profits Trading Fx

I have been studying Forex since the year 2000. I have exhausted hundreds of "demo" accounts and have learnt thousands of lessons in the process.

I have learnt that without a substantial investment like an amount starting at USD 2000 one cannot really make any money worth writing home about. So, there you have the answer to part of the question. Yes, you can make consistent profits trading Forex, but there is no "Holy Grail."

Automated Forex Trading Software - Chew On This

The second part of the answer is "no." No, you cannot make money, unless you have the right strategy in place, the right broker and the right platform. Having these three particulars perfectly placed is crucial to making profits trading Forex.

No, you cannot just dive in and trade. You have to wait for hours at a time. I have waited as long as 14 hours between one trade and the next to make profitable trades. I have yet to find the perfect automated system to make profits from the Forex markets. Nothing comes near to my manual trading.

Forex Trading Strategies - Do's and Don'ts For Fx Trading Beginners

To make consistent profits from the foreign exchange markets, you will have to trade manually. You will have to spend hours watching the screen to get in and out of a trade to book gains.
The only way you will be able to reduce the time and effort is if you increase your deposit with the broker, which also serves to increase your profit in points even if you make just one or two trades a day. Perhaps, you will spend a couple of hours a day at your terminal.
With my manual Forex trading strategy, I have made a minimum of 12 consecutive winning trades followed by a small losing trade, but then again I know where I went wrong - greed, over confidence, and impatience (stemming from tiredness). So, time yourself to cut your losses, control your eagerness to trade above your daily limit (set stop-loss indicators) and take short breaks to practise reflexology or relaxation techniques to calm your mind so you can make smart buying and selling decisions.
Finally, research and read experts, like live trading account holders or professional money managers to learn how to pick a broker, what platform to trade on (and I don't mean the MT4 or some web based platform) There is a secret to trading where brokers cannot trade against you, a method to fix the prices, freeze the pips and what not. Then there is the strategy that demands a lot of effort, but gives handsome returns.

But that's another article (actually many more). So, do keep visiting and requesting articles on topics most relevant to your Forex trading level and I will work on sharing more insights on specialized niches in the future too.

Trade Forex - Make Profits! Hire a professional Forex Money Manager to manage your personal ECN Forex Account for you and earn guaranteed weekly profits you can withdraw anytime from Forex Trading!

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5 Tips for Trading Forex

The forex market is the most popular financial market in the world, popular due to the liquidity of major forex pairs, as well as because it's a 24-hour market. Here are some tips to improve your forex trading experience:

1. Be educated

Which currencies will you trade? If you are squeezing your trading in around a job, then choose a trading session that will work for you:

• The Asian trading session - opening at 0:00GMT and closing at 9:00GMT
• The London trading session - opening at 8:00GMT and closing at 17:00GMT
• The New York Trading session - opening at 13:00GMT and closing at 22:00GMT

Once you've chosen your forex trading session, which currency pairs will you choose? Generally Asia-Pacific currencies, like the JPY, AUD and NZD are active in the Asian trading session. European currencies are active in the London trading session, like GBP/CHF, GBP/JPY, GBP/USD, EUR/GBP and USD/CHF. And in the New York trading session, major forex pairs (paired with the USD) are more liquid, along with some European currencies due to the session overlap - AUD/USD, GBP/CHF, GBP/JPY, GBP/USD, USD/CHF and USD/CAD.

Although most of your forex education will come from trading experience, a trader should learn about the markets and economic factors that affect them, using the media and online resources, along with market updates than some forex providers have on their sites.

2. Make a plan

We've already discussed when you want to trade forex, and this will probably influence the currency pairs you choose to trade. So why are you trading, then?

Setting goals gives you a framework for your forex trading - not only are you more likely to achieve your goals if you clarify them, but if you have a specific goal for a trade you are also more likely to get out of trades with your profits before the markets turn, rather than greedily waiting for an extra pip.

Once you've defined your objectives, find a system and stick with it - take every trading entry, adjust every stop, and close every trade as the system says.

If you aren't sure about your trading system, being consistent is the best way to find out whether it works or doesn't. And, if it works, sticking to it will result in more consistent profits.

Your forex trading system should address:
• Trading rules for entering, adding to, and closing positions
• What to do if the internet connection, telephone or computer fails
• What you will do if you are unable to trade due to holidays or illness
• What percentage of your account you can afford to lose
• How to set orders for when the market opens

Once your plan is in action, keep records to monitor your success.

3. Reduce your risk

You should never risk more than 2% of your capital per fx trade - this means that even if you lose ten trades in a row you have still only lost 20% of your account. The more you lose on your trades, the more difficult it is to turn your situation around, so doesn't it make sense for you to just risk a small percentage per trade?

So if you had $1000 capital and you lost 2%, you would be left with $980. You would need to make back $20 to return to your original equity value, that's only 2.04% of $980. If you continued your streak of bad luck for ten trades, losing 20% or $200, you still only need to make back 25% to get back to your original equity value (200/800 x 100 = 25%).

This may seem like a lot, but imagine if you had lost $750, or 75%, on a single forex trade, you would only have $250 of your capital left, so would need to make a 300% return to get back on top (750/250 x 100 = 300%).

As you can see, the more you risk, the less likely you are to get it back.

4. Cut your losses

If you are just trading forex for an hour or so a day, then find a trading platform that allows you to set automatic stops. An automatic stop allows you to program your trade to exit automatically if the market turns against you to a certain degree, and it means you know your maximum losses if you can't be in front of your computer all day.

For example, if you bought the AUD/USD at 1.5789 with a stop loss at 50 pips, your stop is set at 1.5739. That means if the value of the AUD drops to that level, your trade will be automatically closed and you won't sustain any more losses.

Once you have a stop-loss, it is usually a good idea to stick to it, rather than moving it further and further away in hope that the market will shift in your favour. Some trades are winning trades, and other ones are losing trades. A good trader learns when to get out of losing trades, rather than desperately adding funds to the trade in the hope that it will turn around.

5. Protect your profits

As the forex markets are very liquid, your profits can turn into losses very quickly. Two methods of protecting your profits are using trailing stops, and trading in multiple lots, a lot being the number of contracts you buy in one transaction.

A trailing stop is when you create a stop that follows the forex market when it moves in your favour. So if we take the example from point 3, you bought the AUD/USD at 1.5789. Instead of having a stop loss at 50 pips, you could set a trailing stop at 50 pips, making your opening 1.5739. If the Australian dollar goes up to 1.6322, your stop will rise to 1.6272, meaning that even if the value of the AUD falls, you will still make a profit as your closing price is now set higher than your opening price.

Trading in multiple lots give you separate profit targets. If you place one at a conservative level, like 20 pips from your entry level, and the other one further away, you are more likely to make some profits than losing everything.

In conclusion

If you educate yourself, make a plan, reduce your risk, stop your losses and protect your profits, you are on the way to being a profitable forex trader.

Check out my blog Talking Forex - a beginner's guide to forex. Also, the site of my preferred forex provider has a lot of good information on forex and forex trading, including examples and FAQs.

I am not a financial adviser, and the information in this blog is just intended to inform and not advise. Please remember that forex is a leveraged product, so it's possible to lose more than your original investment. Forex trading might not suit everyone, so please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved with this type of trading.

Sapa Berani Bawak Parang Mengadap Hak Kita – Sharnaaz Ahmad & Sharifah Amani ‘Berperang’ Di Twitter

How To Trade Forex Successfully - The Forex Success Mindset


If you're trading with automatic Forex trading systems, you may wrongly believe that mindset has nothing to do with your success in Forex trading. The right mindset is actually a very big part of how to trade Forex successfully for big profits with automatic Forex trading systems. In fact, two traders running the same profitable Forex trading system can have vastly different results due to the differences in mindset that they have. By the end of this article, you'll know how to trade Forex successfully with the right mindset.

Common Mindset Mistakes Of Beginner Forex Traders

The biggest mistake that any beginner Forex trader can make is to be overly anxious about the performance of their automatic Forex trading system. They get worried after one or two losses, and start thinking that the system may have stopped working. As a result, they give up on a profitable Forex trading system too soon, and miss out on the profits that they could have made if they were more patient with it. If this has happened to you before, you know how painful it is to open up the system you gave up on a month ago, only to find that it's had record profits all the while since you shut it down.

Another common beginner mistake that you'll want to avoid is being overly aggressive with the risk allocation to your system. When you have a profitable Forex trading system, it's easy to get caught in the trap of being greedy and wanting to make more and more profits by taking bigger risks. While you may get bigger gains in the short term by risking more on each trade, the chances of you wiping out your account are huge. I'm sure you would agree that it's far better to be conservative and ensure consistent long term profits than to risk it all and lose it all when something unexpected happens.

How To Trade Forex Successfully With The Right Mindset

The Forex success mindset is a combination of being calm and patient, and has a lot to do with how well you are prepared for your live trading. Most beginner Forex traders rush into live trading, which has a lot to do with greed and leads to a lot of anxiety when things don't turn out as expected. The smart Forex trader will hold off on live trading and start out with demo trading for at least a month to determine the expected performance of the automatic Forex trading system. If you want to learn how to trade Forex successfully, then you need to do the same.

Once you've fully prepared for your live trading with at least a month of demo testing, then you're ready to commit real money to your trading. At the start, you should only invest a maximum of half of what you have available to trade, and invest the other half after a month of profitable live trading. Not only does this reduce your risk drastically, but it also helps you to adopt a calm and cautious attitude while you're doing so. Once you have completed another month of profitable trading, you can proceed with full investment and have the peace of mind because you're prepared and know how to trade Forex successfully.

I've been a full time Professional Forex Systems Developer since 2007. Forex trading is my passion, which is why I really love helping anyone to overcome their challenges and become profitable in their own Forex trading. If you're just getting started in trading Forex, or if you'd like to take your trading to the next level, I'd love to help!

If you're new to Forex trading and frustrated because what you're doing right now isn't working, I can show you how you can make a Forex Passive Income.